Bojan's Auto Body uses the latest in automotive repair methods and equipment. Take a look at some of the tools used to restore your car back to its original condition.

Our downdraft spray booth is one of our most important refinish tools. It allows us to filter both the air entering and leaving the paint enviornment. This protects your paint as its applied, and the world around us. The booth also gives us the ability to "bake" your new finish. This means when you leave your paint is ready for whatever Chicago weather can throw at it.
Today's cars are built with as little as 1mm of tolerence. This requires very precise measurement s be taken anytime there is risk of structural damage. Our equipment is recalibrated on a regular basis to ensure accuracy. Shown is our frame measureing system.

A vehicles wheel alignment is vital to safety and performance. How a car rides, its gas mileage, how long the tires last, and how it will respond in an emergency can all be effected by the wheel alignment. A proper alignment must be performed by a properly trained technician. There are many aspects to a wheel alignment, don't believe that a special price wheel alignment is a full alignment. Many places offer an alignment check at a reduced price in hopes of selling you more later. To ensure the highest quality control, wheel alignments are done in house. All measurements are adjusted at this time, and we inspect the condition of all suspension components. We also test drive all aligned vehicles to be sure your car is just as you expect it to be.
Bojan's Auto Body uses life time guaranteed paint from Sikkens. All of our paint is computer mixed. The color code from your car is entered into a database that cross checks it against thousands of "known variants". These are variations that have been found by a network of thousnds of shops world wide and have been reviewed and adjusted by Akzo Coatings. This gives us access to the largest constantly updating library of colors available. Akzo and Sikkens are industry leaders in color match and refinish technology.

It may look like a fancy flashlight but it's actually much more. The "sungun" is the latest in color corrected lighting. It allows us to see exactly how your color match will look when in sunlight, or natural light. Many artificial lights cast a colored light that can change the appearance of a finish. By using this high powered, fan cooled light we can see exactly what your car will look like outside. Eliminating the need to drive a car outside and risk damage to your paint during application.